For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
SyntheSys Research BERT / Jitter Test
BERT (Bit Error Rate Test) and Jitter Test equipment is used to evaluate the quality of digital communication systems by generating and analyzing test patterns with controlled bit errors and timing variations, providing valuable insights into signal integrity and performance.
SyntheSys Research BertScope 12500A
Bit Error Rate Tester, .1 - 12.5 Gb/S
Manufacturer: SyntheSys Research
SyntheSys Research BSA12500B
BERTScope S 12.5 Gb/s Stressed Pattern Generator and Error Analyzer
Manufacturer: SyntheSys Research
SyntheSys Research CR12500A-CBL
High-performance Delay-matched Cable Set
Manufacturer: SyntheSys Research