For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Communication Analyzer


Manufactured by: Aeroflex


Aeroflex 1500 - Communications

Aeroflex 1500 Overview

The IFR FM/AM1500 is a microprocessor controlled, digitally synthesized communications service monitor. The receiver is a quadruple conversion, superheterodyne receiver, capable of monitoring signals from 300 Khz to 999.999 Mhz. The signal generator is capable of generating from 100 Khz to 999.999 Mhz at an output level from -128 dbm to 0 dbm. The unit includes features such as a duplex generator which allows the unit to generate and receive at the same time. The duplex generator can operate continuously to + or - 49.9 Mhz of offset. This feature is necessary for working with full duplex radios such as repeaters. The 1500 has one of, if not the best spectrum analyzer on a service monitor. The Spectrum analyzer has 12 bandwidths/ dispersion settings. The receiver employs a 1300 Mhz first IF. This up-conversion helps to eliminate "Birdies" and other sources of interference found on inferior receivers and spectrum analyzers. The 1500 also has a Tracking Generator for duplexor/ cavity and filter tuning/ testing. Other monitoring features are a frequency error meter, sweep generator, power meter, SINAD meter, signal strength meter, 30 memorys for frequency and audio, RF scan, Programmable tone sequences,Frequency error and audio counters, Ctcss, DCS (dpl) encode and decode, DTMF encode, oscilloscope and dual tone generators. The unit operates in the AM, FM and SSB modes. Several bandwidths are avaible for each mode. Major options are High Stability (02), Digital Attenuator (01)and Cellular Test(08).

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