For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Calibration Fixture


Manufactured by: Analogic - Data Precision

Category:Calibration Fixtures

Analogic - Data Precision 8200 - Calibration Fixtures

Analogic - Data Precision 8200 Overview

The Analogic 8200 calibrator is a microprocessor-controlled, precision 6.5 digit, voltage and current standard. The 8200 provides a completely isolated analog signal from 0.1 uV to 100 VDC (1000 VDC optionally) or 1 uA to 100 mADC for the testing and calibration of high precision analog circuits. Unlike conventional decade switches, the 8200 has full carry and borrow control of the output selection dials. It is no longer necessary to change a decade setting back to zero to increment the next higher decade by one. The microprocessor automatically interprets the decade setting, checks for validity, and adjusts the output. Basic voltage accuracy is 10 ppm + 1ppm of full scale range.

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