For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
10MHz to 40GHz Synthesized signal generator


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Signal Generators

Anritsu 68369A/NV Overview

10MHz to 40GHz Synthesized Sweep/Signal GeneratorThe Anritsu 68369A/NV signal generator Ultra-low SSB Phase Noise; -100dBc at 10KHz offset from 10GHz * 10MHz to 40GHz Frequency Coverage in a Single Coaxial Output * Analog, Step and Manual Sweep Capability * -125dBm to +17dBm Output Power Range * User Level Flatness Correction * Internal AM, FM, Phase and Pulse Modulation * 7 Modulating Waveforms * User Downloadable Complex Modulation * 10 Setup Non-Volatile Storage * Master/Slave Operation with Additional Generator

Anritsu 68369A/NV Options

2B - 110 dB Step Attenuator
11 - 0.1Hz Resolution step size

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