For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
RF Microwave Signal Generator 2 - 40 GHz


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Signal Generators

Anritsu MG3694B - Signal Generators

Anritsu MG3694B Overview

The Anritsu MG3694B Signal Generator , 2 GHz to 40 GHz, is an electronic instrument that generates repeating electronic signals. It contains an electronic oscillator, a circuit that is capable of creating a repetitive waveform.

Anritsu MG3694B Options

      1. Option 2B: 110 dB Mechanical Step Attenuator—Adds a 10 dB per step attenuator with a 110 dB range. Output power is selected directly in dBm on the front panel (or via GPIB). Rated RF output power is reduced.
      2. Option 3: Ultra-Low Phase Noise—Adds new modules that significantly reduces single-sideband phase noise, > 2 GHz.
      3. Option 5: Analog Down Converter—Adds an analog down converter for 0.01 to 2.0 GHz RF coverage.
      4. Option 15B: High Power Output—Adds high-power RF components to the instrument providing increased RF output power.
      5. Option 28B  Analog Modulation Suite—For ease of ordering and package pricing, this option bundles Options 12, 14,

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