For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
MG921A 1.3 um Stabilized LD Light Source


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Optical Meters

Anritsu MG921A - Optical Meters

Anritsu MG921A Overview

The Anritsu MG921A is a Stabilized Light Source intended for use with multi-mode/single-mode fibers at a 1,3 Tonem Wavelength.
It presents precise light output level and wavelength stability. Internal and external modulation functions are provided, permitting removal of stray light.
- Element: LD
- Spectral bandwidth: <0,005 Tonem
- Output 1 and 2: > -6 dBm
- Internal: 270 Hz
- External: DC to 3 kHz
Connector: FC type

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