For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
MP1630B Bit Error Rate Analyzer


Manufactured by: Anritsu


Anritsu MP1630B - Communications

Anritsu MP1630B Overview

  • Pulse Pattern Generator, Error Detector and Clock Source --- All in one platform

  • Generation and Analysis of 16-channel data

  • Continuous/Burst Signal Bit Error Measurement

  • High Performance synthesizer with excellent accuracy

  • Multiple pattern generation capability - PRBS, Programmable, Mixed, PON and Zero Substitution with variable Mark Ratio

  • Powerful Error Analysis Function - Eye Margin, Delay, Error Performance measurement per ITU-T G.821 Rec.

  • Easy to use, Intuitive GUI with Large, Color LCD

  • Excellent operability with Touch Screen, Mouse, Key pad, and Rotary Encoder

The built in high performance synthesizer generates high accuracy signals across a wide frequency range up to 200 MHz. A variety of test patterns can be generated which includes PRBS, Programmable, Zero Substitution, Mixed and PON pattern. With the Mixed Pattern, test signals such as SONET/ATM pseudo test signal includin

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