For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
5220A 15 kV, 2 mA, Portable DC Hipot


Manufactured by: Associated Research

Category:Ground Continuity Testers / Hi-Pot

Associated Research 5220A - Ground Continuity Testers / Hi-Pot

Associated Research 5220A Overview

  • Performs dielectric withstand testing of:
    • rotating machinery
    • transformers
    • switchgear
    • cables for acceptance
    • routine maintenance in the field
  • Output voltage:
    • 0 to 15 KV
    • (0 to 6/0 to 15 KV metered)
  • Output current:
    • 2 mA operating15
    • mA shorted
    • (0-2/0-20/0-200/ 0-2000 µA metered)

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