For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
20MHz DDS Sweep Function Generator with Arb Function


Manufactured by: BK Precision

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4045 - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4045 Overview

The model 4045 is a must have for anyone needing a low cost, full featured direct digital synthesis (DDS) generator with a menu-driven front panel interface that includes a large, easy-to-read graphical LCD display. Waveform parameter changes and data entry can be made using the rotary knob or via the built-in RS-232C interfaces. The unit generates superb quality waveforms with high signal precision and stability. It provides sine & square wave outputs over the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 20 MHz in one extended range (triangle/ramped wave outputs to 2MHz) Arbitrary waveforms can be edited from scratch or by modifying standard waveforms. A full range of triggering capabilities is available, including internal-external trigger source, gated and burst modes of operation.


  • 20MHz Frequency Range (sine & square only)
  • Sine, Square, Triangle & Arbitrary Waveforms
  • Modulation in both AM & FM
  • Lin or Log Sweep Function
  • Adjustable Duty Cycle
  • Adjustable DC Offset
  • Bright Informative LCD
  • RS-232C Interface

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