For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
8200 Modulation Analyzer


Manufactured by: Boonton


Boonton 8200 - Analyzer

Boonton 8200 Overview

Suitable for laboratory and industrial applications, the 8200 Modulation Analyzer is a versatile, precision, solid-state instrument with human engineering considerations emphasized in both the mechanical and electrical design. The result is a modulation analyzer that is easy and convenient to use, despite its flexibility. Advanced features and performance characteristics include automatic or manual tuning and leveling, separate displays of all major functions, a fully automatic internal distortion analyzer, exceptionally low residual modulation, and fully IEEE-488 programmability. Covers a frequency range of 100kHz to 2.5GHz. FM modulation frequency range of 20Hz to 220kHz, AM from 20Hz to 220kHz (0-99%). Modulation rates from 30Hz to 150kHz. Input impedance: 50 ohms nominal, SWR <1.5.

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