For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
92C RF Millivoltmeter


Manufactured by: Boonton

Category:Power Meter

Boonton 92C - Power Meter

Boonton 92C Overview

With a Model 10A-04 bus interface (field installable, sold separately), this unit becomes a IEEE-488 unit which makes it excellent for ATE systems. A meter to the right of display is scaled in dBm, the voltage range is 200 µV to 3 V (300V up to 700 MHz with optional 100:1 divider). The LED display reads 1000 fs for "10" ranges and 3000 fs for "3" ranges. The BCD data outputs provide binary coded range information, overrange, underrange, and encode complete. The frequency range is 10 kHz to 1.2 GHz. Basic accuracy is ±(1% of reading + 1% fs). The DC output is 10 V fs. Includes autoranging and 75 Ohm dBm display.

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