For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
1450 Digital Multimeter


Manufactured by: Data Precision


Data Precision 1450 - Multimeter

Data Precision 1450 Overview

This Data Precision 3 digit DMM provides a wide range of AC and DC measurements in a compact size. The instrument provides 27 measuring function/range combinations, including DCV, ACV, DC ma, AC ma, DC & AC amps to 20, and Hi or Lo K ohms with resolutions of 100 microvolts, 100 nanoamperes, and 100 milliohms for voltage, current, and resistance measurements. The 0.43 inch bright LED digits provide excellent visibility even in high ambient light levels. Automatic decimal point placement insures that readings are made directly in the units indicated by the range scale selection. The display digits are blanked for out-of-range signals to avoid making invalid readings of such signals. This is a handy workhorse DMM to have around the lab or workbench particularly because of the unusually high current range.

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