For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Microwave Frequency Counter, 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
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EIP Microwave 548A Overview
The 548A Microwave Frequency Counter is a Microprocessor-based counter using frequency-selective heterodyne technique for counting microwave frequencies in the range of 10Hz to 26.5GHz. Performance and specifications for the 545A and 548A are identical, except for the upper frequency limit. YIG-tuned RF input filters provide excellent FM tolerance, frequency selective power measurement, and 5 watt burn-out protection. Full diagnostic routines check counter operation, and built-in signature analysis allows to-the-component level fault isolation. Measurements are displayed with 12-digit resolution. Variable sample rate of 100 mS to 10 S. Sensitivity of 25 mV rms (10Hz to 100MHz), -15 dBm (22GHz to 26GHz).
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