For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Active Loop Antenna


Manufactured by: EMCO


EMCO 6502 - Antenna

EMCO 6502 Overview

The ETS-Lindgren Model 6502 is an Active Receiving Loop Antenna with a frequency range of 10 kHz to 30 MHz. This antenna is specifically designed to perform commercial emissions standards testing. The Model 6502 can be used for any magnetic testing, particularly MIL-STD 461B.

A radio frequency preamplifier is built into the base of this loop antenna and provides a 50 ohm output which is used by a receiver. The preamplifier helps the loop antenna produce good sensitivity and almost constant antenna factors.

Power for the preamplifier is supplied by rechargeable sealed batteries. Front panel controls and indicators for the preamplifier include a power switch, power-on indicator and a receptacle for the batter charger. The battery charger which is switch selectable for 115 VAC/230 VAC operation is included. The charger operates at 50 Hz/60 Hz.

  • 10KHz to 30MHz
  • Gain between 7 & 17.7dB
  • 50Ohms
  • BNC Connector

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