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ESI 2110 Overview
The 2110 Video Bridge is an extremely versatile impedance measuring instrument that features variable test frequencies, programmable test-signal levels, component sorting, and CRT display. It measures inductors, resistors, capacitors, and displays up to 10 impedance characteristics in 26 different combinations. Contains mass storage for test parameter setups and measurement results making testing & maintaining data records a breeze. Features a cassette memory storage with dedicated software; Measures up to 12 impedance characteristics (series or parallel mode) at 3000 discrete frequencies from 20Hz to 20kHz; Accuracy from 0.02% (depending upon speed, frequency, test level and range).
If you are interested in the ESI 2110 or items similar to it, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Our sales representatives will be happy to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the ESI 2110, as well as helping you find the product solution that fits your needs.