For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
MegOhmMeter High Voltage Insulation Tester w/ Case & Assessories


Manufactured by: Fluke

Category:Hypot/Resistance and Electrical Testers

Fluke 1550B - Hypot/Resistance and Electrical Testers

Fluke 1550B Overview


  • Test voltages of 250V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, and 5000 V
  • Capable of testing in 50V increments between 250V and 1000V and 100V increments between 1000V and 5000V
  • Measures 0 to 1 Tera-Ohm
  • Warning voltage function alerts the user that line voltage is present and gives the voltage reading up to 600 V AC or DC
  • Guard system eliminates the effect of surface leakage current on high-resistance measurements
  • Large digital/analog LCD shows detailed measurement data
  • Cable or insulation capacitance
  • Leakage current
  • Ramp function (0-5000 V DC) for breakdown testing
  • Timer 1 to 99 minutes
  • Polarization index and dielectric absorption calculated automatically
  • 99 memory locations store all measurements parameters
  • Includes Quicklink 1550B Software and Optical Interface cable
  • Included Accessories:
    • Test leads and low-leakage probes
    • Alligator Clips
    • Interface adapter and cable

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