For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
271 10 MHz, DDS Function Generator with Serial Cable


Manufactured by: Fluke

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Fluke 271 - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Fluke 271 Overview


  • High stability 10 MHz DDS function generator
  • Arbitrary capability with storage for five user defined waveforms
  • Multiple standard and complex waveforms recalled from internal memory
  • Extensive modulation capabilities include sweep, AM, Gating, Trigger/Burst, FSK and Hop
  • GPIB and RS-232 interfaces

The 271 is a high performance function generator using Direct Digital Synthesis techniques. A wide variety of standard waveforms are provided and an arbitrary waveform capability allows it to be used to generate non-standard and user-defined waveforms. Extensive modulation capabilities make this a highly versatile signal source.

Standard waveforms are sine, square, positive pulse, negative pulse, triangle, ramp up, ramp down. Additionally arbitrary waveforms, multi-level squarewaves, waveform hopping and pseudo-random noise can be generated.

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