For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
281 16 MHz, 1 Ch, Arbitrary Waveform Generator - 280 Series


Manufactured by: Fluke

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Fluke 281 - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Fluke 281 Overview


  • 1 independent or linked channels
  • 40 MS/s max. sampling speed
  • 16 MHz function generator
  • 10 MHz pulse generator
  • Pulse train pattern generator
  • Arbitrary waveforms of up to 65 k points
  • Powerful modulation capabilities
  • Built-in trigger generators
  • Waveform Manager Plus for Windows® software
  • Multiple standard waveforms recalled from internal memory
  • RS-232 and GPIB interfaces

A selection of universal waveform generators offering superior performance and excellent value

These universal waveform generators combine many generators in one instrument. Their extensive signal simulation capabilities include arbitrary waveforms, function generator, pulse/pulse train generator, sweep generator, trigger generator, tone generator, and amplitude modulation source.

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