For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Meter Calibrator
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Fluke 5100B Overview
The 5100B AC/DC Calibrator calibrates precision meters that measure AC or DC Voltage (0-1100V), AC or DC current (200 uA-2A), and Resistance (1 ohm to 10 Mohms). Accuracies are: DC voltage and resistance (0.005%), DC current (0.025%) AC Volts (0.05%) and AC current (0.07%).
Fluke 5100B Calibrator: Automatic calibrator for: DC voltage, AC voltage, DC current, AC current. Unit has all voltages, currents, frequencies and resistances needed to calibrate analog and digital multimeters.
Fluke 5100B All Available Options 
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