For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
731B DC Reference Standard


Manufactured by: Fluke

Category:Miscellenious / Other

Fluke 731B - Miscellenious / Other

Fluke 731B Overview

The HP Agilent 71707A Microwave Downconverter translates microwave signals to RF frequencies for use with the Agilent 3048A phase noise measurement system. The HP Agilent 71707A provides state-of-the-art noise floor performance for microwave phase noise measurements from 1.5 GHz to 26.5 GHz. In addition, it provides specified spurious performance and a dc-coupled tuning port with variable sensitivity for phase locking to your microwave source. Components of the HP Agilent 71707A include the HP Agilent 70427A microwave downconverter module and the HP Agilent 70004A color display/mainframe.

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