For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
760A Meter Calibrator


Manufactured by: Fluke

Category:Calibration Fixtures

Fluke 760A - Calibration Fixtures

Fluke 760A Overview

Voltage ranges 0.001 V to 1000 V w/100 microV resolution.
Voltage accuracies +/-(0.1% of setting + 25 microV) DC, +/-(0.25% of setting + 25 microV) AC, except 0.33% at 1 mV

The 760A Meter Calibrator is a complete, solid-state calibration system for AC and DC voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, and multimeters. Safety inter-locks are provided to protect both operator and instrument. Voltage ranges are 0.001 V to 1000 V with 100 µV resolution. Voltage accuracies are ±(0.1% of setting +25 µV) DC and ±(0.25% of setting + 25 µV) AC except 0.33% at 1 mV, 3 mV, and 10 mV on AC and DC ranges. Current ranges are 1 µA to 10 A with 1 µA resolution. Accuracies are ±(0.25% of setting +0.025 µA) AC and DC. Resistance range is 0 to 10 Mohms with accuracy of ±(0.1% of setting + 0.5 ohm).

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