For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
System Multimeter (6 1/2 digits)

Model:PM 2535

Manufactured by: Fluke


Fluke PM 2535 - Multimeter

Fluke PM 2535 Overview


  • 6.5 to 3.5 digit display, depending on function and range
  • DC Voltage 300mV, 3V, 30V, 300V
  • AC Voltage True RMS, AC coupled 300mV, 3V, 30V, 300V
  • DC Current 30mA, 3A
  • AC Current, True RMS, AC coupled 30mA, 3A
  • Resistance, in two-wire and four-wire configuration 3k, 30k, 300k, 3M, 30M and 300MOhm
  • Temperature -100deg. to 850deg. C.
  • Input of figures 0...9, polarity and decimal
  • Extended capabilities via the IEC-625/IEEE-488 Interface (all manual controls are accessible)
  • The PM2535 is equipped with an internal guard, which is externally accessible. Very low noise voltages can be measured with high accuracy
  • Ranges can be selected manually, automatically, or remotely
  • User-alterable speed to increase number of measurements per second, or increase resolution
  • Filter function switches in a frequency filter in AC voltage and current; in other modes besides temperature it acts as a digital filter
  • Measurements can be started with internal, external or manual facilities, via trigger input or remote communications.

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