For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
DC Power Supply, 60 V, 10 A, 120 W; 60 V, 5 A, 60 W; Dual Output, Programmable
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Fluke PM 2812/413 Overview
- Autoranging for maximum versatility with V & I
- Linear Power Supplies with superior response time and noise performance programming and current source and sink capabilities
- Single, dual and triple output versions
- Rear panel outputs or front panel output option
- Only 2HE high 19” rack-mount versions
- Internal memory with 999 locations and (AUTO)STEP function allows definition of test patterns with no need for PC
- Operating modes:
- Easy system integration
- GPIB/IEEE-488.2 interface standard
- Extensive DUT (Device Under Test) protection functions:
- Programmable Over-Voltage and Over-Current protection
- Built-in metering (Readback) of actual measured V and I values
- Sense lines
- Coupled Protection, all outputs are limited or turned off when an error in any output occurs
- Reprogramming delay allows controlled brief overloads
- User-definable status register for error reporting
- As voltage source (Constant voltage supply)
- As current source (Constant Current supply)