For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Communication Analyzer


Manufactured by: General Dynamics


General Dynamics R2670A - Communications

General Dynamics R2670A Overview

The Motorola R-2670A is a FMDA Digital Communications System Analyzer. In addition to including all of the features of the Motorola R-2600, the R-2670A is a special digital hardware platform that allows customized configuration to include many different test features in one convenient and easy-to use unit. The R-2670A also includes, as standard equipment, the following features:

  • Tracking Generator
  • Cable Fault Testing
  • High Stability
  • High Performance Spectrum Analyzer with Markers
  • Programmable Test Set-up Memory
Optional Test Capabilities:
  • Motorola Analog Trunking
  • APCO Project 25 Standard, conventional with IMBE Vocoder (for ASTRO CAI, or other radios)
  • ASTRO VSELP Conventional and Encrypted
  • Motorola ASTRO VSELP Trunking
  • SECURENETTone Secure Voice

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