For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
RF Power Sensor, CW, 10 MHz- 18 GHz, 5 W


Manufactured by: Gigatronics


Gigatronics 80321A - Sensor

Gigatronics 80321A Overview

Giga-tronics 80300A Series CW Power Sensors let you measure CW power from
10 MHz to 40 GHz at more than 1,750 readings per second over GPIB. Measure up to 90 dB with a single sensor, and select from a variety of high power sensors, up to 50 W.

Giga-tronics has solved the problem that limited the use of diode sensors to below –20 dBm — the ‘square law’ region — by utilizing a patented built-in power
sweep calibration system. The power sweep calibrator uses a 50 MHz amplitude
controlled oscillator to step from –30 to +20 dBm in 1 dB increments. Each step is
set using an internal thermistor — the standard for accuracy and traceability.
Giga-tronics gives you thermistor accuracy plus diode speed for measuring signals over a full 90 dB power range.


  • Frequency - 10 MHz - 18 GHz
  • Power Range- -50 to +37 dBm
  • Powerlinearity- -50 to 0 dBm; 0.00 dB, 0 to +37 dBm +/- 0.05 dB/10dB
  • Connector Type- Type N (m)

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