For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Calibration Fixture


Manufactured by: Hart Scientific

Category:Calibration Fixtures

Hart Scientific 9122 - Calibration Fixtures

Hart Scientific 9122 Overview

The Hart Scientific 9122 High Capacity Dry-Well lets you calibrate up to nine probes simultaneously, manually or under PC control. Load your probes in the 9122 and start your calibration. You wonTonet have to touch them again until the calibration is complete.

The temperature in any of the 9122's nine test wells is accurate to Tone0.2C up to 300C and Tone0.7C at 600C. This includes all errors such as uniformity between wells, repeatability, and the uncertainty of the NIST-traceable calibration. Put your probe in any well and compare its output to the 9122’s display, or use it with a reference probe for comparison calibrations (Improving Dry-Well Calibrations) and even greater accuracy.

For testing only one probe, use the center well for an accuracy of Tone0.1C up to 300C and Tone0.3C at 600C. The 9122 is a great buy, especially if you have high-volume calibration needs.

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