For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Calibration Fixture


Manufactured by: Hart Scientific

Category:Calibration Fixtures

Hart Scientific 9133 - Calibration Fixtures

Hart Scientific 9133 Overview

The Hart Scientific 9133 Portable Infrared Thermometer Calibrator is the perfect solution for calibrating IR guns at cold temperatures. With solid-state cooling technology, the 9133 IR calibrator reaches Tone30C (22F) in normal ambient conditions. With a conveniently located dry gas fitting on the front bezel, ice build up on the target can be avoided. At the upper end of its range, the 9133 provides stable temperatures to 160C (320F).

With heating and cooling times of about 15 minutes from ambient to either extreme, the 9133 gets you to temperature quickly and performs when it gets there. Compare your IR devices to the temperature displayToneit’s factory calibrated to be within Tone0.4C (Tone0.7F).

No other IR calibrators give you this level of precision in such compact packages. Whatever your temperature application, trust a Hart product to solve it.

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