For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Single Phase Price Performance Power Analyzer
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Hioki 3333 Overview
Measurement lines Single-phase/two-wire
Measurement items Voltage, Current, Active power, Apparent power, Power factor
Measurement ranges Voltage: 200.0 V (300.0 Vmax), Current: 50.00 mA to 20.00 A (30.00 Amax), 6 ranges
Power: 10.000 W to 4.000 kW, 6 ranges
Basic accuracy ± 0.1 % rdg. ± 0.1 % f.s. (at 45 to 66 Hz)
Frequency characteristics 45 Hz to 5 kHz
Other functions Scaling function (PT/CT), Displays a simple average function, RS-232C interface (Model 3333-01 also includes GP-IB interface)
Display Refresh Rate 5 times/sec
Sampling Frequency 48kHz
Power supply 100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 20 VA max
Dimensions, mass 160 W × 100 H × 227 D mm, 1.9 kg
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