For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Standard Inductor


Manufactured by: IET

Category:Plug In / Part / Component / Module

IET 1482-B - Plug In / Part / Component / Module

IET 1482-B Overview

Product Specs:

  • Stable within + 0.01% per year
  • Low, known temperature coefficient
  • Minimized connection errors
  • Toroidal - free from external fields
  • Is an accurate, highly stable standard of self inductance for use as a low-frequency reference or working standard in the laboratory.
  • Records extending over 13 years, including those of inductors that traveled to national laboratories in several countries for calibration, show long-term stabilities well within ±0.01%.
  • Is a uniformly wound toroid on a ceramic core.
  • Has a negligible external magnetic field and hence essentially no pickup from external fields.

Othe Info:

Each inductor is a uniformly wound toroid on a ceramic core. It has a negligible external magnetic field and hence no pickup from external fields. The inductor is resiliently supported in amixture of ground cork and silica gel, after which the whole assembly is cast with a potting compound into a cubical aluminum case.

Sizes of 500 uH and above have three terminals, two for the inductor leads and the third connected to the case, to provide either a two- or three-terminal standard. The 50-, 100-, and 200 uH sizes have the additional terminals for the switching used to minimize connection errors, as described in the introduction to the inductance section.

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