For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
LCR / Impedance Meters


Manufactured by: IET

Category:LCR / Impedance Meters

IET 1621 - LCR / Impedance Meters

IET 1621 Overview

General Radio 1621 Precision Capacitance Measuring System Ultra Precise Laboratory Capacitance Measurements 10 Hz to 100 kHz Capacitance increments 10ee-7 pF Conductance increments 10ee-10 umho 10ee-10 umho to 1000 umho with 0.1% accuracy 5 digit readout System includes GR 1616 Precision Capacitance Bridge, GR 1316 Oscilator, and GR 1238 Detector

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