For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
LCR / Impedance Meters


Manufactured by: IET

Category:LCR / Impedance Meters

IET 1650B - LCR / Impedance Meters

IET 1650B Overview

The 1650B Impedance Bridge is a self-contained impedance measuring system, which includes six bridges for the measurement of capacitance, resistance, conductance, and inductance. Generators and detectors necessary for DC and 1kHz measurements. Power is provided by four size D cells. Capacitance is measured from 1 pF to 1100 F. Inductance range covers 1 ToneH to 1100 H. Resistance range (AC or DC) 1 mohm to 1.1 Mohms. Conductance range (AC or DC) 1 mmho to 1.1 mhos. Accuracy for the capacitance, inductance, resistance, and conductance is approximately Tone1%. Dissipation factor (D) at 1 kHz is 0.001 to 1 (series C), 0.1 to 50 (parallel C). The storage factor (Q) at 1kHz is 0.02 to 10 (series L) and 1 to 1000 (parallel L).

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