For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
LCR / Impedance Meters
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IET 1689 Overview
The General Radio 1689 DigibridgeTone RLC Tester is a microprocessor-controlled automatic programmable RLC tester and limit comparator with a basic accuracy of 0.02% readout on 5 full digits. Resistance range is 0.00001-ohm to 99999-kohm. Capacitance range is 0.00001 pF to 99999 F. Inductance range is from 0.00001 mH to 99999 H. Test frequencies from 12Hz to 100KHz. Test voltages from 5 mV to 1.275 V. Measurement speeds up to 17 per second. Displays: measured values, percentages, differences ratios, GO/NO-GO and binning.