For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
1689-9603 Chip Component Tweezer


Manufactured by: IET

Category:Plug In / Part / Component / Module

IET 1689-9603 - Plug In / Part / Component / Module

IET 1689-9603 Overview

  • Connection between the tweezers and the 1689M and 1693 is direct via the attached BNC cable.
  • Connection to the 1657, 1659, 1687B, and the 1689 requires a 1689-9601 BNC adaptor.
  • Weight: 6 ounces
  • 6" in length
  • Attached cable is 4 feet long
  • Capacitance between the tips is typically less than 1pF at .1 inch spacing
  • The maximum spacing between the tips is one-half inch

The General Radio 1689-9603, Chip Component Tweezer, are reliable, durable, and let you efficiently handle small, unleaded "chip" components while using your Digibridges.

Four-terminal Kevin connections are maintained to the tweezer tips, where the measurement becomes two-terminal. The tweezers are shielded down to the tips to minimize capacitance between terminals, and the gold-plated tips are easily removed for cleaning or replacement.

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