For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Optical Meters


Manufactured by: ILX Lightwave

Category:Optical Meters

ILX Lightwave 8605.16C - Optical Meters

ILX Lightwave 8605.16C Overview

The Newport 8605-16C is a combination LDD/TEC Module for 8016 modular controller, 500mA LDD/15W TEC. When temperature stabilization is required, the 8600 Series Combination LDD/TEC modules give you full control of your laser diodes. A 15 Watt (2.5A/6V) TEC section is combined with a quiet current source for complete stabilization of your laser diode. A single 8600 module is capable of providing the necessary control for wavelength tuning laser diodes. The TEC section is used for coarse tuning while the LDD section is used for fine tuning. The Model 8000 is capable of precision wavelength tuning due to the fine resolution capability resulting from 16-bit control technology. Combo LDD/TEC modules are designed for use in communication applications and have an internal function generator for testing systems.

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