For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Digital Multimeter 5.5 Digits


Manufactured by: Keithley Instruments


Keithley Instruments 197A - Multimeters

Keithley Instruments 197A Overview

The Model 197A is a lightweight, portable DMM with a battery pack option. It combines 51/2-digit resolution (on a 220,000-count display) with 1µV, 1nA, 1mO sensitivity. Basic DCV accuracy is 0.011%. Extended Performance Measure voltage over nine decades from 1µV to 1000V. Input resistance on the two lowest voltage ranges exceeds 1GO. TRMS AC measurements can be made to 100kHz. Make 2- or 4-terminal ohms measurements over 11 decades from 1mO to 220MO. Six current ranges measure from 1nA to 10A.

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