For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Keithley 2410-C 1100V, 1A, 20W SourceMeter With Contact Check


Manufactured by: Keithley Instruments


Keithley Instruments 2410C - Multimeters

Keithley Instruments 2410C Overview

The 2410 Source Meter combines a precise, low-noise, highly stable DC power supply with a low-noise, highly repeatable, high-impedance multimeter. It has 0.012% basic accuracy with 5Tone-digit resolution. At 5Tone digits, the SourceMeter delivers 520 readings/second over the IEEE-488 bus. At 4Tone digits, it can read up to 2000 readings/second into its internal buffer. The contact check function detects measurements that may be in error due to excessive resistance in the force or sense leads when making remotely sensed (Kelvin) measurements. The unit has broad source and measurement ranges: Source voltage from 5V to 1100V; measure voltage from 1V to 1100V. Source current from 50pA to 1.05A; measure current from 10pA to 1.055A. Measure resistance from 100 (<100 in manual ohms) to 211M. Maximum source power is 22W.

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