For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Sub-Femtoamp Remote Source Meter


Manufactured by: Keithley Instruments


Keithley Instruments 6430 - Meters

Keithley Instruments 6430 Overview

  • 0.4fA p-p (4E-16A) noise
  • Remote PreAmp can be located at the signal source to minimize cable noise
  • >10 to the 16th Ohms input resistance on voltage measurements
  • High speed -- up to 2000 readings/second
  • Up to 61/2-digit resolution
  • Fast characterization of components with programmable digital I/O and interfaces

The Model 6430 Sub-Femtoamp Remote SourceMeter combines the voltage and current sourcing and measurement functions of Keithley's popular SourceMeter and Source-Measure Unit (SMU) products with sensitivity, noise, and input resistance specifications superior to electrometers.

This unique combination of broad functionality and exceptional measurement integrity is made possible by the Model 6430's Remote PreAmp, which offers a very sensitive bi-directional amplifier with sensitive feedback elements for measuring or sourcing currents at the device being tested.

The high level signals output by the Remote PreAmp are

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