For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
5 Hz - 175 MHz Universal Counter


Manufactured by: Kenwood TMI


Kenwood TMI FC-757A - Counters/Timers

Kenwood TMI FC-757A Overview

Kenwood TMI Corp. FC-757A Measurements/Features:

  • 8-Digit LED
  • Low-Pass Filter
  • Attenuation Provided
  • Data Hold Function
  • Addition Counting Function
  • 4-Step Gate Time Setting
  • Zero Blanking
  • Over Flow Indicator
  • Comb Tile Stand/Carrying Handle
  • Ext Ref Frequency Input

    Kenwood TMI Corp. FC-757A Performance Characteristics:

  • Form Factor: Benchtop
  • Number of Channels: 2 ch
  • Minimum Frequency, Ch. 1: 5 Hz
  • Maximum Frequency, Ch. 1: 175 MHz
  • Sensitivity, Channel 1: 150 mVrms
  • Maximum Input Voltage, Ch. 1: 42 V
  • Input Impedance, Ch.1: 1 MOhm
  • Input Attenuation, Ch 1: x1,x10
  • Input Coupling, Ch 1: AC
  • Minimum Frequency, Ch. 2: 5 Hz
  • Maximum Frequency, Ch. 2: 2 MHz
  • Sensitivity, Channel 2: 30 mVrms
  • Maximum Input Voltage, Ch. 2: 42 V
  • Input Impedance, Ch. 2: 1.2 MOhm
  • Input Attenuation, Ch 2: x10
  • Input Coupling, Ch 2: AC
  • Time base stability: 0.000001 /yr
  • External Time base reference: 10 MHz
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