For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Multifunction Module


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Data Acquisition Systems

Keysight / Agilent 34952A Overview

The Agilent 34952A module for the 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit allows great flexibility for a variety of sense and control applications. It combines four 8-bit channels of digital input and output, a 100 kHz gated totalizer, and two ±12V analog outputs all on a single earth-referenced module. The digital inputs and totalizer input may be included in a scan. Alarm limits for the digital and event counter inputs are evaluated continuously, capturing and logging alarm conditions even between scans.

The digital I/Os support TTL levels. These channels can be used with an external power supply to control external devices or to sense limit switch and digital bus status. There are no complex handshake modes.

The analog outputs can output up to +/-12V or 10mA DC with 1mV of resolution. They can be used to source bias voltages to your device under test, to control your analog programmable power supplies, or use the outputs as setpoints for your control systems.

Standard 50-pin Dsub connectors allow for use with standard cables, terminal blocks, or mass interconnect solutions.


  • 32-bits of digital I/O
  • 100 kHz gated totalizer
  • Two +/-12V analog outputs with 1mV of resolution

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