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Keysight / Agilent 4155A Overview
The 4155A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer offers high-resolution/accuracy and a wide range; I: 1 fA to 100 mA (20 fA offset accuracy), V: 1 micro V to 100 V, fully automated I-V sweep measurements with dc or pulse mode, expandable up to 6 SMUs, synchornized stress/measure fuction, two high-voltage pulse generator units (+/- 40 V), time domain mesurement: 60 micro s - variable intervals, up to 10,001 points, easy to use: knob-sweep similar to curve tracer, automatic analysis functions, and automation: built-in HP Instrument BASIC, trigger I/Q capability.
With the 4155A, you can improve your semiconductor quality, from material evaluation and device characterization all the way through final packaged part inspection and field failure analysis.