For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Modular Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent 4157B - Meters

Keysight / Agilent 4157B Overview

General Features

  • Flexible, expandable and upgradeable modular parametric instrument controlled via I/CV 3.0 Lite software
  • Ultra low current measurement without external preamplifiers
  • Flexible to provide stable 100aA measurements
  • Switch between CV and IV measurement without wasting time swapping cables

Measurement Capabilities

  • 1 femtoamp current measurement resolution without external preamplifiers (High-Resolution SMU)
  • 100 attoamp current measurement resolution using HRSMU with Atto Sense & Switch Unit (ASU)
  • 10 femtoamp and 0.5 microvolt measurement resolution (Medium-Power SMU)
  • +/- 200 Volts and +/- 1 Amp output by High-Power SMU

I/CV 3.0 Lite Software Capabilities

  • Drivers for all of the popular semiautomatic wafer probers
  • Intuitive GUI-based switching matrix control for the B2200A, B2201A, and E5250A
  • Test sequencer for automating testing across an entire wafer
  • Post-test graphical analysis and wafer mapping capability

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