For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Spectrum Analyzer, 100Hz to 2.9GHz (Modular)
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Keysight / Agilent 71100P Overview
The Agilent 71100P Spectrum Analyzer adds the flexibility and convenience of a PC interface to Agilent''s modular measurement system (MMS) spectrum analyzer family. This factory-configured spectrum analyzer system combines superb RF and microwave performance, a Pentium
® -powered PC display, and the benefits of modularity for today''s ATE system applications.
- High-performance automated spectrum analyzers
- Wide frequency coverage 100 Hz to 2.9 GHz
- All MMS measurements personality available on 3.5-inch discs
- Friendly user interface
- Multitasking for data analysis, report generation, and automatic measurement
- Output to any Windows® supported peripheral
- Pentium is a U.S. registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.