For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Pulse Generator 1kHz-250MHz


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Pulse Generators

Keysight / Agilent 8082A - Pulse Generators

Keysight / Agilent 8082A Overview

The 8082A Pulse Generator has an extremely fast repetition rate of up to 250MHz while delivering superior waveform shape- even into an open circuit! Leading and trailing edge transition times are independently adjustable from <1 ns to 0.5 ms in all period ranges. With separate normal and complimentary outputs providing up to ±5 V, hi-speed TTL and ECL circuitry can be driven with the 8082A. Each output can also be switched between positive and negative polarity. Adjustable delay (2 ns to 0.5 ms), double pulse, variable pulse width (<2 ns to 0.5 ms) and square wave output function are provided. External pulse input, triggering, gating, and even pulse width are also standard. In addition, adjustable DC offset can be controlled from the front-panel.

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