For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Pulse Function Arbitrary Noise Generator


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Pulse/Data Generators

Keysight / Agilent 81160A-002 Overview

  • Generation of 330-MHz pulses and 500-MHz function/arbitrary waveforms with a 2.5-GSa/s sample rate and 14-bit vertical resolution;
  • Selectable crest factors for white Gaussian noise lets engineers determine how much distortion to apply to a device during stress testing to meet various serial bus standards;
  • Glitch-free timing parameter changes allow engineers to change the frequency without drop-outs or glitches and enable continuous operation without rebooting or resetting the device under test; and
  • Arbitrary bit patterns show capacitive load of the channels using simple pattern settings. Complex measurement setups are no longer necessary to test designs to their limits.
  • Pulses 330 MHz, 500 Mhz sine waves, 660 Mbit pattern
  •  High precision pulse generator is enhanced with a versatile signal generator, offering distortion capabilities to stress your device to its limit 
  • Arbitrary bit-shaped pattern generator for ideal and distorted pattern up to 660 Mbit/s. 
  • Function arbitrary generator provides versatile waveforms and modulation capabilities to adapt the signal to devices requirements 
  • Noise generator combines two required extremes: random noise and repeatable noise with very long repetition rates for simple problem identification 

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