For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Pulsed-RF Network Analyzer System, 2 GHz to 20 GHz


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Network Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent 85108A - Network Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent 85108A Overview

The 85108A/L feature a complete configuration for high-volume, high-power, and pulsed-RF testing of components and devices at IF, RF, and microwave frequencies. The Agilent 85108A/L network analyzer systems have been designed to measure high-power devices under both constant-power and pulsedpower conditions. These systems are built around the Agilent 8510C with the pulsed-RF measurement option (Option 008). This option allows the 8510C to perform pulse profile network analysis of devices that require a pulsed-RF stimulus. Other measurement capabilities such as spectral analysis, noise figure, and load pull can be added easily without degradation of the raw system performance.


  • Wide dynamic range for accurate pulsed measurements
  • Low duty cycles allow high-power measurements of on-wafer or in-fixture devices
  • Up to 100 W pulsed device output power and CW power up to 20 W (85108A) or 50 W (85108L)

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