For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Dual Optical 28 GHz (single-mode, unamplified) Plug-In Module


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent 86115B - Optical

Keysight / Agilent 86115B Overview

Simultaneous measurements on multiple channels improves throughput by eliminating the need to sequentially measure individual channels of a parallel optic component, but rather allowing multiple channels to be measured at the same time. For network equipment manufacturers, throughput is improved by allowing multiple devices, or multiple ports on a single device to be tested at the same time.

Two amplified 28 GHz optical channels Compatibility: 9/125 fibers

  • Wavelength range: 1000-1600 nm
  • Characteristic RMS noise: 10 uW (22 GHz BW), 18 uW (28 GHz BW)
  • Maximum average input power: 2 mW
  • Reference receiver capability (9.953 Gb/s or 9.953/10.3125/10.664/10.709 Gb/s)


  • 86100A/B/C Infiniium DCA/DCA-J Mainframes

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