For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
- 89600 Vector Signal Analysis Software: Node Locked License
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Keysight / Agilent 89601A Overview
The combination of an Agilent logic analyzer and the 89601A Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) software provides the only Digital VSA (DVSA) package for digital baseband, IF and RF signal analysis. The combination enables digital signal processing (DSP) designers to effectively design and debug interfaces that were once analog and are now digital. The 89601A VSA software performs signal analysis functions such as I/Q analysis, EVM, Fourier spectrum, etc. on the digital signal.
89601A (V12.0) has added support for 2x2 MIMO analysis with logic analyzers. Latest Verision of VSA Software
- Online, continuous signal flow and analysis between data buses and the vector signal analyzer
- In-depth suite of measurements from Spectrum Analysis to EVM on a wide variety of modulation standards
- Gain access to internal buses of your baseband designs with the FPGA Dynamic Probe for Logic Analyzer
Logic Analyzer Compatibility
- 16800 Series Portable Logic Analyzer
- 16900 Series Modular Logic Analyzer
- 1690 Series PC-Hosted Logic Analyzer