For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
FPGA Dynamic Probe (Altera) SW


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent B4656A - Probes

Keysight / Agilent B4656A Overview

You rely on the insight a logic analyzer provides to understand the behavior of your Altera FPGA in the context of the surrounding system. The Agilent FPGA dynamic probe, used in conjunction with an Agilent logic analyzer provides the most effective solution for simple through complex debugging of systems incorporating Altera FPGAs.

Key Benefits

  • Quickly access internal Altera FPGA signals
  • Make incremental measurements in seconds, without changing design timing
  • Access up to 256 internal Altera FPGA signals for each pin dedicated to debug
  • Measurement can be either in State (synchronous) or timing (asynchronous) mode

Automated Setup

  • Automated import of signal names from Altera FPGA design tools


  • Altera FPGA devices: Stratix series, Cyclone series, MAX series, APEX series, and Excalibur series
  • Requires Altera Quartus II Logic Analyzer Interface
  • Probing: flying lead, mictor, samtec, or soft touch probes
  • Logic Analyzers: All 16900 Series, 16800 Series, 1680 Series, 1690 Series

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