For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
VXI 8-Channel Fixed Attenuator/Fixed Filter SCP


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent E1513A - VXI

Keysight / Agilent E1513A Overview

The Agilent E1513A 8-Channel Divide-by-16 Fixed Attenuator & 7 Hz Fixed Filter SCP provides eight fixed low-pass filters with a 3 dB cutoff frequency of 7 Hz and eight divide-by-16 attenuators. It also provides input over-voltage protection.

  • Use with Agilent E1413C/E1415A/E1419A
  • Divide-by-16 input attenuator per channel
  • Fixed 7 Hz filter per channel
  • ± 60 V input with over-voltage protection
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