For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
High impedance adapter


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent E2697A - Probes

Keysight / Agilent E2697A Overview

The E2697A high impedance adapter allows connection of probes that require a high impedance input (e.g., passive probes, current probes) to the Infiniium 54850, 80000 and 90000 Series of high performance oscilloscopes. The E2697A high impedance adapter extends the capability of Agilent Infiniium high-performance oscilloscopes, making them ideal for a variety of general-purpose measurements such as power supplies, inverters, semiconductor devices, etc. The E2697A provides switchable ac/dc coupling, as well as 10:1 and 1:1 attenuation settings.


  • 500 MHz with 10073C passive probe


  • Dynamic Range: 1:1 +/- 0.8V; 10:1 +/- 8V
  • Dynamic Range with 10073C passive probe: 1:1 +/- 8V; 10:1 +/- 80V
  • Maximum Input Voltage: +/- 100V

Input Impedance

  • 1MOhm +/-1% (~12 pF)
  • Input Coupling: dc, ac (7 Hz)

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